The Double Team is comprised of DJ Twerkle (Michael Cutrone) and DJ Eso (Vince Manzano), two college-aged kids who own neighboring clothing stores in Cleveland Heights, specifically on the Coventry strip.

When their friend, Jared, had his going away party, the two collaborated for the party in an effort to make it more memorable. With their vast knowledge of House, Indie Dance, Hip-Hop, and Club music, many have compared their talent and style to Flosstradamus, LA Riots, ABX, and Girl Talk.

They decided to take things to the next level by continuing with the spirit of fun that was present that night. Soon after linking up with, they had set up a Saturday night residency at local bar/venue The Euclid Tavern. The two had formed a community around these events, which were almost always packed with some of the hippest kids in Cleveland.

DJ Twerkel Mix Uno

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Somebody Gonna Get Pregnant

Somebody Gonna Get Pregnant
Every Saturday, starting Nov. 8th, at The Euclid Tavern its The Double Team.
The Double Team is going to be a unique wild party playing the best in Electro, BMore Club, Booty House, and Indie Dance Rock.
Cheap drinks all night (double fist Pabst for only the price of one), good music, and great people.
So come get drunk with us and dance till you sweat.